33rd parallel, shapeshifter, Wraith

This is Isolde's "most natural form" as she stated. She is completely non-physical, but can manifest as any physical form instantly and effortlessly by using her will. She is at a more advanced stage of a parallel reality specialist role than Willa, but she is indeed one of the 33rd parallel shapeshifters. Her personal essence is very mischievous and fun. She loves to observe the hybrid project and experience humans while shifting through parallel realities. She is many places at the same time, and she plays out roles in various different races, shifted as a member of them fully. She explores all parts of the vibrational spectrum without judgment or preference, and can access one matrix higher and lower than the one we inhabit currently. She is my most probable future self.Details
All of these things are fluid, but the base core of who I am never changes. This is something that might be great news to some who hear this who never understood, but the base core of all of us never truly changes. You are always what you are. There are different perspectives to shift into, there are different perceptions and energies, but the base of your energy is always there. Nothing’s being lost when we transfer from one reality. It’s only gained, it’s adding on to the central energy in order to experience that experience in that moment for that time period and that reality.