Watcher for Heather Notes for the client: I was connecting to an image of your Higher Self at first, but all I saw was a very bright light, roughly in

Principal guide for Meredith Notes for the client: What a wonderful energy this consciousness has. She is definitely non corporeal, closest I can describe it is a principal spirit guide

Galactic family for Luis Notes for the client: This being came through with mantis vibrations but they told me they are not quite mantis as we would define them. Very

Violet for Fenny Notes for the client: She is a member of the YahYel hybrid race. She comes from your lineage, carrying a lot of your genes. A very high

Playful Pixies for Jewel Notes for the client: You asked about a swirling energy above your crown chakra and a few times your Bluetooth speaker went off on its own.

Arcturian Collective for Joanna Notes for the client: What a beautiful wise loving group these beings and consciousnesses are! An Arcturian collective came through in relation to DNA coding you

Sirian Ambassador Hamón, a being connected to the ancient lineage of Sirius who would visit the earth in the early days of humanity. He is channeled by Lyssa Royal Holt.

Sirian Annunaki for Dee You asked for a channeled piece that is a reflection of who you are according to your Galactic family soul collective that is working with you.

Polaris collective for Debra Notes for the client: This is a collective consciousness connected to the Polaris energies. Your higher self belongs to this energy stream and works with them.

Lyran ancestral wisdom – Danica (for Daniela) Notes for the client: She is a version of you within our Lyran galactic family. She comes from a long lineage of humanoid