Yayla, Pleiadian connection for Debe Notes for the client: She carries a very intense and intriguing energy. There are distinct lessons that connect here, and her Pleiadian energy has gone

Star family connection for Karina Notes for the client: I did not get a name for this being, they operate more as a group consciousness than individuals. Even though they

Quor’Kack for Veronie Notes for the client: This being / consciousness is neither male nor female. Best way I can translate it is that it feels like a very small

Blue Ray being for Judy Representation of Judy’s Inner Being as commissioned Notes for the client: The energies very much remind me of Abraham channeled by Esther Hicks in the

Sirius guide for Dhanu Notes for the client: I am getting different names from him, and a distinct idea that these represent the energy of his Sirius consciousness collective. Atlan

Ixa, feline ET female of the Lion People, for Rafael Channeled message for the client: “Blessings upon your world. I am Ixa of the Lion People of what you now

Marjoram – Hybrid Daughter of Vicky Notes for the client: This is Marjoram. Margie. She came through so fast, it was very streamlined. She feels about 11-12 years old at

Archangel Michael for Ana-Mikaela I won’t include notes for the client this time. This is enough, and I am told it’s the perfect time for his energy to be represented!

Pleiadian for Trang Notes for the client: I absolutely love her energy. A very feminine archetypal vibration. I felt a strong Pleiades connection, but on a higher density level than

Jasper, hybrid son of Amaia Notes for the client: Here is my interpretation of his energies. He also appeared green to me, like you said, it has to do with